Tuesday, June 9, 2009

No Cosigner Student Loans

Student loans are helpful tool who make the study available to poor students. No cosigner student loans provide the amount without the cosigner so that students complete their education and make a bright future.

No Cosigner Student Loans: the Financial Support for You!

Author: Kelly Mills

Are you a student who is interested in get the admission in a college of own choice but having problems due to financial problems. Your parents also do not have that much amount to afford your admission in that college. But you want to go and study there because you know the educational environment of that college, reputation and previous year’s records & achievements of that college. So what are the plans in your mind?

Parents can not provide you money because they do not have. Your relatives are also not helping you because they have their own family and expenses. Then you have one choice which is a student loan program. A Student loan program is provided to student to complete his educational qualification. Loan provider companies like banks or credit unions gives the loans. It is an easiest way using that you can complete your degrees.

In a traditional Student loan program, Students get the loan on the behalf of a cosigner. It is a person who is responsible to pay the loan amount if you do not repay the amount on due date. So if you are interested and have a cosigner available then you just have to find a company who grants you these types of loans and take it for your studies. But what If you do not have a cosigner? You are directly disqualified for this loan. Now you have another option using that you can get the loan amount. It is known as No Cosigner Student Loans .

It is a non-traditional loan program in which you get the loan amount even if you do not have a cosigner. These are mainly of three types.

*Federal Student Aid

*The private student Aid

*The Gift Aid

Federal Student Aid is provided by the federal organizations who provides the loans to the students and make them the college available. These are the cheapest student loans without cosigner . You have to fill a form named as FAFSA, in which your details must have to be mentioned carefully. According to the information presented in the form you get the loan. One of the best advantages of this loan is that your credit history does not affect in the approval of loan. It means a student with bad credit history is equally eligible for getting this loan. Federal Stafford Subsidized Loans, Federal Perkins Loans and Pell Grants are some of the loans in this category.

Private student loans are loans which you can take from private lenders. The interest rates are higher in this loan program. One more thing is the credit history. Having a very good credit history can provide you this loan. It is the secondary option for you and you need to go for it if you can not able to get the federal student aid.

Gift Aid is rewards, scholarships and grants which are given to a fixed number of intelligent students according to their merit.

So here are the available options for you. Go and use these information, search the loan providers and get these no cosigner student loans to achieve the educational advantage in your life.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/loans-articles/no-cosigner-student-loans-the-financial-support-for-you-580486.html

About the Author:
Kelly Mills is the webmaster of http://www.nocosignerstudentloans.info . She having experience in writing the various topics such as Loans, Insurance and Financial matters. Click here for more details.

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