Sunday, June 14, 2009

Unsecured Debt Student Loan

Author: Sadhana Dhanyal

Students often find it difficult to avail loans as they don’t posses any assets which can act as collateral. Student debt is also constantly rising every year. Students need money to pay for college fees, buy books, etc. There are some lenders who offer loans to students to meet the various educational needs. Unsecured debt student loan can provide students with the required amount of money. There are a variety of financial aids options, from scholarships, grants, federal loans, and private student loans that students can make use of. These loans provide borrowers with the required amount of money.

After graduating from college, the student can pay back the debts. There are many ways to reduce to your debt burden. The best way to do so is by opting for consolidate student loans or simply refinance student loans. There are many benefits to student loan consolidation. This type of loan helps reduce interest rates. This makes it possible to have reduced monthly payments. The interest rates are also low. This type of loan also helps reduce the number of creditors. This makes it easier to keep track of the payments. This means a borrower need not deal with numerous creditors.

Unemployment is considered to be the worst factor in availing loans. Unemployed people are often turned down by lenders as they are unsure of getting their money back on time. Loans unemployed benefits are best suited for those who are unemployed. People who are unemployed or possess bad credit records are eligible to avail cash from these loans. People with minimum cash can get the required amount of money through these loans. These loans are specifically designed to help people acquire new skills. This can help people increase their chances of gaining employment. Those who are unemployed and are undergoing some financial crisis can benefit from these loans.

These loans are basically short-term in nature. Those who need quick cash can benefit from these loans. These loans are most suitable to meet the emergency requirements. They also come in handy to solve temporary liquidity problems. A person can fulfill daily needs or even meet unexpected expenses till one is employed. These loans provide with cash to meet when one is unemployed. They are ideal to meet the emergency requirements.

Unemployed people with bad credit score can also benefit from these loans. These loans are very easy to avail. By looking online, one can get the loan approved quickly. It hardly takes few minutes to finish the formalities. These loans are also available to those who are homeowners or tenants. These loans are collateral free and are a risk free option. A borrower can fulfill any of the personal needs through these loans.

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About the Author:
Expert Author, Platinum Status. For further information: Unsecured debt student loans & Loans unemployed benefits

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

No Cosigner Student Loans

Student loans are helpful tool who make the study available to poor students. No cosigner student loans provide the amount without the cosigner so that students complete their education and make a bright future.

No Cosigner Student Loans: the Financial Support for You!

Author: Kelly Mills

Are you a student who is interested in get the admission in a college of own choice but having problems due to financial problems. Your parents also do not have that much amount to afford your admission in that college. But you want to go and study there because you know the educational environment of that college, reputation and previous year’s records & achievements of that college. So what are the plans in your mind?

Parents can not provide you money because they do not have. Your relatives are also not helping you because they have their own family and expenses. Then you have one choice which is a student loan program. A Student loan program is provided to student to complete his educational qualification. Loan provider companies like banks or credit unions gives the loans. It is an easiest way using that you can complete your degrees.

In a traditional Student loan program, Students get the loan on the behalf of a cosigner. It is a person who is responsible to pay the loan amount if you do not repay the amount on due date. So if you are interested and have a cosigner available then you just have to find a company who grants you these types of loans and take it for your studies. But what If you do not have a cosigner? You are directly disqualified for this loan. Now you have another option using that you can get the loan amount. It is known as No Cosigner Student Loans .

It is a non-traditional loan program in which you get the loan amount even if you do not have a cosigner. These are mainly of three types.

*Federal Student Aid

*The private student Aid

*The Gift Aid

Federal Student Aid is provided by the federal organizations who provides the loans to the students and make them the college available. These are the cheapest student loans without cosigner . You have to fill a form named as FAFSA, in which your details must have to be mentioned carefully. According to the information presented in the form you get the loan. One of the best advantages of this loan is that your credit history does not affect in the approval of loan. It means a student with bad credit history is equally eligible for getting this loan. Federal Stafford Subsidized Loans, Federal Perkins Loans and Pell Grants are some of the loans in this category.

Private student loans are loans which you can take from private lenders. The interest rates are higher in this loan program. One more thing is the credit history. Having a very good credit history can provide you this loan. It is the secondary option for you and you need to go for it if you can not able to get the federal student aid.

Gift Aid is rewards, scholarships and grants which are given to a fixed number of intelligent students according to their merit.

So here are the available options for you. Go and use these information, search the loan providers and get these no cosigner student loans to achieve the educational advantage in your life.

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About the Author:
Kelly Mills is the webmaster of . She having experience in writing the various topics such as Loans, Insurance and Financial matters. Click here for more details.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Private student loans kaput

CNN's Gerri Willis and her expert guests discuss stimulus take-home pay and how to get non-federal tuition loans.

Mark from Florida asked,

Federal graduate loans max out at $138,000, which I will reach before I graduate. I need to find funding for my last semester of law school. My credit is good but I'm having problems finding personal loans since I don't have a cosigner or sufficient income. Any ideas?

Saturday, June 6, 2009

3 Reasons Student Loans are Good Debt

Of all the types of debt out there, student loan debt is among the best. Read this article to find out how student loan debt can possibly be considered good debt.

Student Loan Advice - 3 Reasons Student Loans are Good Debt

Author: RJ Licata

We're conditioned to think all debt is bad, and for the most part it is. Any money you owe someone else is less you have for building your own long-term wealth. However, there are cases where some debt isn't a bad thing, and some debt is definitely better than others.

In this article we'll discuss three reasons why student loans aren't close to being bad debt and how they can even be considered good debt to have.

1. Interest is tax-deductible

On federal school loans you can claim interest you pay as tax deductions. Very few types of loans or debt allow you to do this and it can save you hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars over the life of your loan. Credit card debt will not allow this and neither will car loans. You can usually claim interest on your mortgage,but that's about it. Pretty much all other debt will not get you any deductions on interest.

2. Low interest rates on consolidated loans

Granted, it's still debt. And yes, you do have to pay it off. But compared to credit cards at 20-25% interest your 6% student loans are an absolute bargain. Especially when you consider them what they really are: an investment in your future. If you are stuck owing both, pay the minimum on your student loans and close out the credit card debt as soon as possible.

3. Federal loans offer repayment flexibility

If you have an unplanned event occur (such as a job loss) and cannot pay your student loans, most lenders offer deferment plans that will stall your repayment for 6 months or a year. This will allow you to correct your financial situation and get things under control without defaulting on your loans. Student loan lenders understand things happen and they are usually more than willing to work with you. Try getting that kind of compassion from your credit card company.

As good as those three reasons are, your monthly student loan payment would still be better off in your personal retirement fund, so pay them quickly, just not at the expense of paying off other, high interest debt.

Visit the School Loans Consolidation website for more student loan advice and other helpful student loan consolidation comparisons .

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About the Author:
RJ Licata is a freelance writer and internet marketer. More on RJ's current projects can be found at

Friday, June 5, 2009

Student Loans: Which One is Best for Me?

Author: Melissa Kellett

Knowing which student loan is to your advantage and which not can be tricky. Moreover, it is not always easy to know beforehand if you qualify for a certain loan and applying without knowing can lead to denial and a lowering of your credit score. In order to avoid these situations there are some measures that can be taken.

There are different kinds of student loans and a variety of lenders offering different student loan products that can confuse you due to the overwhelming number of offers that you can receive. Knowing beforehand what you are facing will probably help you be in a better stance at the time of applying for your student loan to fund your college studies.

Private And Federal Student Loans

Not all loans are provided by private parties. There are many loans offered by government agencies either federal or from the particular states. However, federal student loans are the ones more widely known. In order to see if you qualify for a federal student loan, you need to check with the corresponding government agency the requirements that rule loan qualification. But you should know that these loans are awarded according to the applicants needs, as opposed to private student loans that are generally awarded on a first arrived, first served basis.

Private student loans are funded by private lenders and non-profit private institutions. These loans are generally offered with higher loan amounts than federal loans and are sometimes used in combination with them to pay for additional college expenses that federal government student loans do not cover for.

Private Student Loans can be subsidized or not. Subsidized student loans carry lower interest rates just like federal loans do and are not as easy to qualify for. Generally they are also awarded according to the needs of the applicants or to their merits. Those underprivileged, those who belong to minorities and those with physical disabilities generally have more chances of getting approved for government or private aid.

Qualification And Approval

In order to avoid the consequences of getting declined for a loan you can take some measures. There are no problems with federal loans because you will known beforehand if you qualify for them or not when you contact the government agency and request the forms and the details of the loan approval process.

However, with private lenders, you can always get declined for a loan. Thus, it is best if you request non-obligation loan quotes from them prior to applying. You can always contact a lender informally without giving authorization to pull your credit report and thus, you will avoid too many credit pulls and other stains on your credit history if you get declined.

The best place to start your research is the internet. You can do a quick search for student loans and contact the different lenders in order to get information prior to applying. The more information you have beforehand, the more successful your search will be. Once you have found the lender and loan that best suits your needs, you can apply to them making sure to have all the necessary documentation in hand in order to speed up the process.

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About the Author:
Melissa Kellett is an expert loan consultant who has worked for twenty years in the financial industry and helps people to repair their credit and get approved for home loans, unsecured personal loans, student loans, consolidation loans, car loans and many other types of loans and financial products. If you want to learn more about Fast Loans and Fast Unsecured Loans you can visit her site

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Getting The Perfect Student Loan When You Have Bad Credit

Author: Lara Sawyer

While most of us think of teenagers fresh out of high school when we hear the words College Student, the reality is that students come from every imaginable demographic. Some of them are married with kids, some of them are working two jobs while trying to stay on top of their studies, and some of them are trying to obtain marketable skills after a downturn in their respective industries. Some of them even have a questionable credit history.

These students need financing, too, and it is not always easy to find it. Though a poor credit history may not be an ideal study partner, there are many lenders who will be willing to work with you to help you reach your educational goals. When looking for a poor credit student loan, you should familiarize yourself with all of your options; from private student loans to non-credit based government loans such as Stafford, Perkins, and field-specific loans.

Federal Stafford Loans

Stafford loans are the most common federal loans; you can reapply every year, as an undergrad or grad student. They can be subsidized and unsubsidized; neither type requires a credit check. The subsidized Stafford is given to financially disadvantaged students, and the government makes your interest payments until you are out of school. The unsubsidized Stafford is not income-based. It is easier to get, but you are responsible for paying all of the interest without governmental help. One problem - both types of Stafford loans tend to be small, and you will likely need to find additional funding.

Perkins Loans

Perkins loans are harder to get, as they are typically given to students who are considered to be significantly disadvantaged, and are available to both undergrads and grad students. Though your credit rating will not be a factor, you will have to demonstrate financial need.

Field-Specific Programs

Many loan programs are attached to specific fields of study, particularly for teachers, doctors, and nurses. These loans have a longer grace period than typical student loans, but they may have additional stipulations regarding the areas in which you will practice, the GPA you must maintain, etc. Once you have decided on a major, make sure to check online and with your student aid office to see if any special programs are available for your field of study.

Private Student Loans

Sometimes there are situations where none of the above options are viable. Perhaps you currently make too much money; perhaps traditional loan programs will not be enough to cover all of your expenses. You may also need money for extras such as living expenses, a laptop or books. If this is your situation, private student loans are an excellent source of alternative or additional funding.

Some well known lenders have long been known for their education loans, and now most major financial institutions have followed suit. Many of these programs are even available through online lenders, which make finding the perfect match even easier. Shop around for the best rates, and be sure that you thoroughly understand all of the terms and conditions.

As you can see, there are many lenders with students like you in mind - you just need to do your homework to find them. Good luck, and happy learning!

Lara Sawyer is a professional loan advisor used to solving bad credit problems and helping people secure home loans, carloans, personal loans, unsecured credit cards, home equity loans, refinance mortgage loans and plenty of other financial products. Whether you want to learn more about Consolidation Bill and Bad Credit Bankruptcy Loans or find information about other loan types, just visit:

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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Is Student Loan Consolidation on Private Loans Really An Option?

Some College students believe that by consolidating all their student loans, their problems will be fixed.
Warning! Student Loan Cosolidation isn't a sure fire fix and in some cases can be harmful to your financial future!

Is Student Loan Consolidation on Private Loans Really An Option?

Author: Bill Miller

Private student loans are credit-based and have more attractive repayment terms as well as interest rates. It can really help in saving money every month unlike the Federal student loans. Private student loan consolidation is simply the process of refinancing and combining private student loans into a single debt only. It may result to a lower monthly loan payments thus will also lessen your worries about your multiple loans.

The very main essence of a private student loan consolidation is to lessen the monthly payment of students who have multiple loans. By getting quotes from various lenders, a student can have knowledge about how to get the best deal with all the prevailing market rates present nowadays. Furthermore, private student loan consolidation can result to an extended loan payment. This gives the student borrowers enough time to pay their loans with fewer burdens. These beneficial advantages offered by the private student loan consolidation are not possible if students have several loans to handle.

There are various private student loan consolidation companies which offer more benefits. One of these is the interest rate reduction which can result to lower loan monthly payments to think of. The options for the loan repayment procedures depend upon the qualifications being required by a particular lending company. Thus, it is also the work of the lending company to choose the best private student loan consolidation program suitable for a particular student loaner.

Indeed, private student loan consolidation brings various benefits. However, one should still be aware of some situations like the drawbacks of having a private student loan consolidated.

Student loans are indeed a very big help for students who are deeply in need of some financial aids. However, all students who have decided to avail of a particular student loan should bear in mind the responsibility in repaying the borrowed amount of money. In fact, there are so many ways on how to pay off student loans.

The very first thing to do is to develop a plan on how to pay off student loans. Second is to look for a summer jobs or internships to be able to save a lot of money and not waste your valuable time. Part-time jobs will also do to help pay a loan.

Also, take into consideration to consolidate current student loans to have lower interest rates. Furthermore, one should perform volunteer works like teaching, medical works or even military works to reduce at least somehow a debt. It would also be good to apply for some grants and scholarships while in school to lessen the burden.

And lastly, take good care of the credits. Late payments should be avoided to have a good credit score.

It is important to pay off private student loans as quickly as possible. Sometimes, early paying off of the loan will lessen the burden along with a particular student loan. To make paying off easy, one can start paying off first the non-subsidized loans for it has an obligatory interest. Also, if one has several loans already, paying off first the smallest loan would be much better.

Just always remember to always do the best in paying off student loans. Be a responsible student loaner!

Failing to pay off student loans can stick with you for decades. You can't go bankrupt on student loans so don't count on that as saving you down the road!

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About the Author:
The Student Loan Guru brings you this timely article on Private Student Loans . You can find more information on Student Loans and College resources at his student loan blog.